Brand consulting

We implement innovative tools such as Emotional Branding and Aesthetic or Experiential Marketing, elevating the brand’s strategic direction with prestige. We work on brand positioning and strengthening values to increase reputation, recognisability, and appeal.

Creative & Branded Content

We believe that conveying ever more original, refined and engaging images and content is fundamental to making a difference. We depict each client’s singularity through the conception and creation of communication tools that are perfectly aligned with their vision, DNA and target audience.

Digital PR

As a leading agency in cross-media communication, Attila & Co. relies on an in-house team entirely dedicated to Digital PR & Engagement strategies for multiple online channels and platforms. Our dual strategy-to-execution approach allows us to activate.

PR & Press Office

We develop and coordinate relations with institutional and digital media, industry insiders, celebrities and influencers. Our in-depth knowledge of the market allows us to organize bespoke strategies and day-by-day activities ensuring flawless execution, efficient organization and detailed reporting.


From the creative concept to the artistic and organizational direction of events, our production Department will assist you through every phase of project planning and development ensuring maximum results. Technical expertise and attention to detail distinguish our multi-tasking approach to any event including fashion shows, press conferences, exhibitions, open days, new openings, retail activations, parties and field and guerrilla marketing activities.